Frequently Asked Questions
What are SEAGRO products?
Where did the name SEAGRO come from?
SEA Blue
The prime ingredient in SEAGRO Premium Potting Mix, and SEAGRO ProGro Mix is composted ocean fish and crustaceans; a naturally nutritious meal for all your plants, flowers and vegetables. Each bag of SEAGRO produced helps safeguard the environment through our innovations in processing fish offals. Fish processing plants produce tons of by-products consisting of the inedible and unmarketable portions of the seafood they process. SEAGRO solves this environmentally sensitive problem by using the fish by-products as the main ingredient in the composting process.
Why are SEAGRO products of premium quality?
We take great pride in assuring that each and every bag of our product is of the highest quality. Each SEAGRO product is: pH balanced, chemical free, odorless, and complete with a healthy compliment of macro & micronutrients.
However, what we don’t put in a SEAGRO bag is of equal importance. We do not use:
- Sand, soil, sawdust, black earth or any other “filler” materials
- Absolutely no industrial waste or municipal sludge
- Manure or by products originating from GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) or growth hormone herds.
What is the difference between each SEAGRO product?
SEAGRO offers 2 premium quality products: SEAGRO ProGro Compost Mix, and SEAGRO Premium Potting Mix. Each of these products varies in contents and suggested applications. SEAGRO ProGro Compost Mix is a compost, made from a variety of ocean fish and crustaceans, are great for container gardening, and also for blending into your existing soil in your flower or vegetable gardens. SEAGRO Premium Potting Mix is a specialty peat blend, formulated especially for propagation of plants from seed, cuttings, etc. It is also excellent for container gardening and for your potted plants. For detailed ingredients and applications for each product, click here.
Is it safe to plant my plants and flowers directly in SEAGRO products?
Yes! SEAGRO products are stabilized and pH balanced. They are also specially formulated to be ready to use “as is” directly from the bag.
I have seen / tried other fish compost products in the past; has your company ever marketed similar products under an alternate name?
Over the years there have been ever increasing numbers of compost products available to consumers. Unfortunately, some of these products have been of poor quality, and have made some consumers hesitant to use compost products again. Shigawake Organics Ltd. has been producing and developing quality composts since 1985 exclusively under the trademarked name SEAGRO. While other companies have marketed many other compost products, several of which use the word “sea” in their names, they are completely unrelated to our products and our company.
What is a “soilless” mix?
Soilless mixes use alternate materials as their “base” in place of soil, or top soil. These materials may include peat moss, woodchips, sawdust, sand etc. depending on the product. All SEAGRO products use peat moss.
What is peat moss and what are its benefits?
Peat moss is the result of accumulated plant and animal material, which has decomposed in a water saturated, low oxygen environment over a period of thousands of years. Peat is valued in the horticultural industry both for its impressive water holding capacity, and also for its humus rich nature. These two attributes combine to offer gardeners multiple benefits:
- Lightens and improves aeration of heavy soils, which allows oxygen to circulate easily, improves root penetration and water infiltration
- Increases the water holding capacity of sandy soils
- Encourages microbial activity which is the basic building block for healthy soil
- Increases the cationic exchange capacity of the soil; nutrients and mineral elements bond with the humus and are released as needed to the plants roots
- Improves your soil’s texture and density, making it more resistant to leaching and erosion.
Why are black or darker soils and potting mixes preferential to lighter soils and potting mixes?
This is a common misconception; in fact the color or darkness of a potting soil or potting mix has nothing to do with its quality. Darkness in color of a potting soil or mix may be attributed to a variety of reasons such as degree of decomposition, source of the materials, or even from coloring that may be added to the product to make it look darker. No coloring is used in SEAGRO products.